Letter to seekers and disciples 1948 – 1951
21. There is no alternative to CONCENTRATING YOUR ATTENTION AT THE EYE CENTER and then going up with the aid of SHABD or SOUND CURRENT, unless it be wandering about in various form in this phenomenal world. As long as man is tied to himself he is tied to the world. WHEN HE RISES ABOVE THE NINE DOORS OF THE BODY FREES HIMSELF FROM THE BODILY OR SENSE RELATIONS which he will do when he will completely vacate the body and concentrate all his attention at the eye center. He is freed from all ties and the world.
The PATH OF SHABD is the highest and the completest path available to humanity. All other are incomplete in comparison, and its our duty to tread the path firmly and devotedly.
22. The object of satsang is to draw attention to the weaknesses and to uplift the disciples mentally and spiritually. If the disciple does not utilize his opportunites and does not labor on the Path, he will and will come to grief. When in trouble, he will sooner or later turn in a begin his BRAJAN, fate karma, the PRALABDH, also has be gone through. But saints exercise ‘MAUJ’ unfailingly at the time of death. If before that they shower their grace upon own who is still ruled by the pleasures of the sense. So much so that the soul is held fast and cannot rise above them, he cannot profit by the Grace, and the BAYA(Mercy) is also wasted.
When a disciple, wheather initiated in sound or not hears the sound he should look upon it as mark of the Master Grace and try all the more to withdraw his consciousness so that he may hear it better.
23. Whether it is REPETITION OF THE NAME OR MEDITATION AT THE EYE CENTER or attending to the sound within, all three lead the same way and point to the same goal.
24. The SOUL and the MIND CURRENTS which are permeating every pore of the body, should be collected in the EYE CENTER by means of means of REPETITION OF THE HOLY NAMES. It involves the labor of year to vacate the entire body below the eyes and to collect the attention and hold it at the eye focus. When this is the case, the body below the eyes feels num and senseless but one is conscious within sees the light and hears the sound clearly. Before that the sound is heard but it does not pull the soul. Therefore, the primary object should be vacate the body by means of repetition, and in doing repetition you should not try to hear the sound. That would DIVIDE the attention do not strain your muscles or attention to catch the sound. The sound will come itself and will become clearer as the concentrating grows deeper.
Let all your effort be directed towards increasing the concentration. The master inside and the tries at time to catch our attention by his voice or by giving us glimpses of his Astral form. That is a sign of his Mercy and grace, for by showing himself and by talking to us, the tries to encourage us in our practice.
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