The First Chakra of Brahmand Part 2

The First Chakra of Brahmand
The First Chakra of Brahmand Part 2
          It has from aboe the support of god shiva and goddess Parbati, the presiding deities of the twelve petalled lotus in the heart center the recitation is “SOHANG”.

          Above this is the goddess “Avidya” in the throat center seated on sixteen petalled lotus which is attained by reciting “SHIRIYANG” from here Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva derive thei power. If you go up further you will come to the Two Petalled Lotus.

          Kabir says that he has described in detail the various ganglia which are all within this physical body. If however, you wish to realize “The Endless, Deathless and the Everlasting Supreme Lord (SATNAM) you should contact a true Master and listen to his SATSANG.

          Shut your eyes, ears and mounth, and listen by carrying out his direction, hear the sweet melody of subtle Anhad Shabd(sound) behold the transcendedent light.

          Kabir says further “that the centress  within the physical below the yes are merge reflection of the centers above the eyes and are subject to dissolution

          “of the physical doby i describe that details of LOTUSES,  of which there are twelve in all. 
The First Chakra of Brahmand Part 2
           THE FIRST LOTUS is where ganesh president. IN THE SECOND immaculate Brahmand resident. THE THIRD doth gleam with Vishnus luminosity. IN THE FOURT  are found both shiva and shakti. Jiv Atma doth rule over the LOTUS FIFTH. While Parm – Atma hath sway over the SIXTH. In the SEVENTH LOTUS kal hath his might he manifesteth there his spiritual light. THE EIGHT LOTUS tieth in trikuti, where sun of Brahm Shineth forth brillantly. The NINTH LOTUS taketh us to DASWAN DWAR. Par Brahmliveth ther quite afar. Lotus “ACHINTA” is found in Maha Sunn; in the whole series It is the TENTH ONE.  In “BHANWAR GUPHA”  see thou LOTUS ELEVENTH. And the TWELFTH glisteneth is Sach Khand. The first six center adorn the Pind, the nex three Ornament Brahm and the highest three nobody knoweth. To thse region the saint alone goeth.  In the six centers do yogis sojourn, up the nith yogeshwars have gone. Pind and Brahma do both end here. Yogis and Gionies no futher go, dear. Non doth know the secret beyond. THE LAST THREE only the Saints Adorn. Some say six and others say nine, and within these most faiths do pine. Further than this only saints do lead, the few that reach there are blest indeed. He alone is the Saint Supreme, who can the TWELFTH CENTER Redeem”

          Now the question to be decide is, which of the twelve mansions should be selected as one’s final objectives? At the time of pralaya (dissolution), the eight chakras up to Brahm (the second in the upper six) are destroyed. All who fail to cross the region of “Brahm have to return and be born in the world again. Similarly, all the regions (Brahm) below Sack Khand (eleven in number) are affected at the time of MAHA PRALAYA (GRAND DISSOLUION) only Sach Khand, the Sat Lok is permanent, Eternal and Deathless.
The First Chakra of Brahmand Part 2
          Thus the human body has twelve chambers, divided into two major parts – the PIND and the BRAHMAND each containing six chamber the lower six chambers. The lower six are presided over the gods and goddesses, whose funtcion is to serve the soul in various capacities. They are all subject to dissolution. Although they lost longer than material body.