DownFall of the Soul and Hot it Can Return Home Part 2

DownFall of the Soul and Hot it Can Return Home
DownFall of the Soul and Hot it Can Return Home Part 2

Saits loudly and repeatedly enjoin:
Turn away from the path of sensual pleasures. God is within your body. Seek the true Master and learn from him the way to go in Raise your consciousness above the nine portals and attach yourself to Nam, the heavenly sound, the voice of the Lord that resounding behind your eyes. Concentrate your attention on the Akash(Sky) within, and go up from there to higer regions. 

We have been turned out the “Mansion” and an iron gate has been shut again us.  This can be opened only with the help of a perfect Guro. It is impossible to undertake the journey inside without a Perfect Guide – one who know all the “Ins”  and “Outs” and “Ups” and “Down”  of the dark passage. At every step there are obstacles and hindrances whick make difficult and dangerous for the practitioner to proceed alone. 

Maulanan Rum says:
Find thou a mystic guide
For beset with dangers in this journey
Whosoever without the master
Ventureth on the perth
The “Evil Ones” lead him astray
And cast him into the well (of misery)
If over thy head the protecting hand
Of the guru thour hast not got.
Devilish doubts shall ever keep
Thee perplexed and puzzled.

“Many, wiser than thyself, tried to go on this path but satan lead all them astray.”

When good luck brings you in contact with true Master, offer all your love to Him. Give up attachment to the world and the worldly objects and discard the path of mind and sense.  Take the Master with you and enter inside. He will attach you to Shabd identify yourself with it and become one with it. By and by, you will be able ti withdraw your consciousness, first up to the ankles and wrist, then to the knees and elbows, thense up to the shoulders, and so on. Do not lose heart. But be patient. In due course you will be able to concentrate your attention at the eye center enter within and give up all thoughts of the external world. You will achieve everything. 
DownFall of the Soul and Hot it Can Return Home Part 2

First comes the Jhoti the Celestial Flame- out of which emanates a Divine Melody. Concentrate your attention on it and, focussing your suble mind on the vision, penetrate it. Continue this practise everyday giving up love for the world and increasing it for Nam. Desire for Nam grows only by virtue of constant contact with the Master within. The company of worldy men again pulls us down company is most essential our love for the Gurus enables us to give up the path of the mind and turn within. 

When the seeker follow the instruction of the Guru behold the vision of the Celestial Flame, listen to the Divine Music and merges himself in the word he has gone beyond the sphere of mind and matter.  Then by constant Practise Nam, he gets true liberation and ascends to the abode of the Supreme Father.

This is not a small attainment. Whatever may be trials and tribulations, put up with them willingly for it is a sure sign that the soul is on its way up. You have found the path to the Region of Immortality, the land of truth, and placed your feet on the ladder of Nam. Climb up and come to the Realm of the Master. Climb up and come to the Realm of the master. On the way you will cross the Region of Sunn (void), the Region of Maha Sunn(the Great Void)then, the region of “J – Less – Ness” where the soul recognizes its identity with Nam, and ultimately merges in Sat – Nam – the Lord Supreme by faith fully following the directionof the Master, this however, happens only when the Supreme Lord, in his great mercy, awakens in us love for himself because of which we begin our search and meet an adept who is in touch with, Him, get the Secret of Nam and carry out daily the prescribed course (exercises) under his inspiring guidance. Once we get attached to Nam, we have nothing to worry about, for the watches over us as does a mother over her infant babe. Such opportunities do not come every day. Fortunate, indeed, are we to be incarnated in a human body. We should, therefore, get in touch with someone acquainted with nam and on, learning the technique from him, contact Nam.

When the Lord, is His Mercy and grace wants to take us unto Himself, He does so by importing the Secret of Nam, the word, through a Master. We develop Spiritually in the lap of the Mster within, and the word protects us.

“Make thou frien with “Gurmukh”
And be devoted to “Satguru”
Thus cut asunder the chain of birth and death.
Then shalt thou attain Eternal Bliss”.
                                      (Adi Granth)

DownFall of the Soul and Hot it Can Return Home Part 2